SERVERS:  List Up-dated  03-03-2024




5th     Lillie & Stella

12th   Mother’s Day-No Fellowship

19th   Roger & Cindy

26th   Pot Luck; Bring a Dish to Pass



2nd    Ken & Jen

9th  Judy & Sue

16th  Father’s Day-No Fellowship

23rd  Lillie & Stella

30th  Pot Luck; Bring a Dish to Pass



7th     Roger & Cindy

14th      Ken & Jen

21st    Judy & Sue

28th    Pot Luck; Bring a Dish to Pass



4th     Lillie & Stella

11th   Roger & Cindy

18th   Ken & Jen

25th  Pot Luck; Bring a Dish to Pass






Servers are listed for each Sunday in the foyer.  If you are unable to serve on your assigned Sunday,
please contact Judy or Wes @ 715-815-1028 or 218-343-2551  so that alternate arrangements can be made.