SERVERS: List Up-dated 08-24-2024
5th Roger & Cindy
12th Ken & Jen
19th Leona
26th Pot Luck; Bring a Dish to Pass
2nd Judy & Sue
9th Lillie & Stella
16th Leona
23rd Pot Luck; Bring a Dish to Pass
2nd Roger & Cindy
9th Ken & Jen
16th Leona
23rd Judy & Sue
30th Pot Luck; Bring a Dish to Pass
6st Lillie & Stella
13th Roger & Cindy
20nd Leona
27th Pot Luck; Bring a Dish to Pass
Servers are listed for each Sunday in the foyer. If you are unable to serve on your assigned Sunday,
please contact Judy or Wes @ 715-815-1028 or 218-343-2551 so that alternate arrangements can be made.